The HTML color picker is used to select colors of different shades which we usually can’t remember because they are very large in quantity. Also it is a fact that you cannot name every shade of color as a little bit of difference creates a different shade. Sometimes two or more colors are mixed together to form a new shade of color. So, for this huge variety of colors as we have said, particular names are not possible but every color has a Hex code associated with it. This HTML color picker gives the code of the shades of colors in terms of RGB colors. The browser can read this code and according to the code it will display the color in the website.
This HTML color picker can be used in many forms like if you have a client who need to see some color options for anything, like color scheme for a website or an android application, etc. then instead of overwhelming them with 16 million colors, you can show them selected colors only. A designer can use this tool in many ways like, creating a whole new color palette for a new brand. Choosing right colors according to the type of content present in the website is very important. This HTML color picker gives accurate color codes, same like the one people use in Photoshop or in MS Paint.
Adding color to your website by using HTML color Picker is very easy. You just have to use the ‘color’ attribute. Let’s see how to do that: